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Slice of Life 23: Monday Morning Still Life

By Janice Ewing

sliceoflifeOne tabby lounges on my lap
purring with pleasure
as the other curls on a nearby chair
lazily watching us,
catching glimpses of birds
that taunt us with song
from just outside the window.

My coffee mug sits at my side,
my iPad rests lightly in my hand
as words awaken  and anticipate
the day, the week, still ahead.


* This “Slice of Life” post is part of a larger blog series, hosted by the blog site, Two Writing Teachers: A Meeting Place for a World of Reflective Writers.


???????????Janice Ewing is an adjunct for Cabrini College and a co-director for the Pennsylvania Writing & Literature Project. Janice co-facilitates PAWLP’s “Continuity Days” and this blog. She is an avid reader and writer, and especially enjoys writing poems.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. What a lovely image you paint with your words. I hope this is the start to a wonderful week for you.


    March 23, 2015
  2. Rita Sorrentino #

    Janice, of course you know I love the picture you paint of cats purring with pleasure and curling on chairs. But the last line really stands out. Still life is not just a captured moment, but the beginning of the journey ahead.


    March 23, 2015
  3. I am reading this with a basset hound on each side of me, as we start our day.

    Liked by 1 person

    March 23, 2015

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